Maybe you just need some answers. Or maybe you’re pregnant, in an unsafe situation, or truly at the end of your rope. Sometimes you just need someone to talk to. Our area has lots to offer if you know where to look and who to talk to. We can help point you in the right direction.
- Placer Connect - connects potential roommates, ages 18-24, on their free, safe website
- Compassion Planet offers help, hope and practical tools to aged-out foster youth
- Pride Industries - employment assistance - 916-788-2149
- Unity Care - Independent Living Program (ILP) - 530-886-5473
- iFoster resources: including phones, computers, jobs
- Medi-cal Health Coverage - former foster youth are eligible until age 26 - 877-846-1602
- California Ombudsman for Foster Care This site provides a multitude of answers and information about foster care and aging out in California
- Lifeset Network connects youth with a community of resources, opportunities, encouragement and support
- Golden Sierra Job Training Agency offers free resources to job seekers. 916-773-8540
- A Home Within provides free therapy
- Bridge Network - mentoring, life skills and connections for at-risk youth
- AB12 Question of the Week blog This site answers questions about AB12 funds
- Glass Slipper provides mentoring and self development programs for at-risk girls
- The Taylor House is a safe transition home for former foster girls
- Single Mom Strong empowers single mothers and their children through enrichment, encouragement and educational programs
- AgingUP empower youth from foster care through mentoring, recreation and education
- The Friendship Club educates and supports youth from hard places as they transition into adulthood in Nevada County.
- Alternatives Pregnancy Center - 916-880-4040
- California Youth Crisis Line offers support, encouragement, and referrals to youth needing assistance or in crisis situations. 1-800-843-5200
- Chicks in Crisis reaches out to teens, women, youth, and emancipated foster youth who are pregnant, parenting, or at-risk, helping them to become responsible parents and leaders in our community.
- National Trafficking Hotline - 888-373-7888
- Sierra Pregnancy + Health - offers free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds and pregnancy support. 916-624-8990
- The Teen Project, Shelter Finder - text SHELTER + your ZIP code (SHELTER 90210) to the phone # 99000 and receive a response with a local shelter
- Stand Up Placer is dedicated to empowering survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence to escape from abuse, and to create new lives. 1-800-575-5352
- Interfaith Food Closet Auburn - emergency food - 530-885‐1921
- Weave provider of crisis intervention services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Sacramento County. 916-920-2952
- California Chafee Grant Program offers grants to help pay for college or career and technical training
- California College Pathways Campus support programs specifically designed for foster youth, includes personal and academic counseling, financial assistance, housing, mentoring
- Guardian Scholars Program of Sierra College assists former foster youth with living and college expenses - making college a reality. 916-660-7465
- The California State University Foster Youth Programs provides a full range of services to support foster youth